What do scales have in common with push-ups?
If I can help you with your scales, call me. David revised August 2022
Number 3 is the saddest. “I tried teaching myself “. Trying to teach yourself from YouTube or some half-baked app is like trying to teach yourself to drive a car from YouTube. Let that sink in for a moment. A teacher will make you a plan, sequence the material for you, respond to your concerns, and inspire you. Number 1 and 4? " I have no talent; I have no rhythm." I take ballroom dance classes with my wife. She is a natural and trained dancer. I’ve no talent or rhythm. But I’m having fun every week. Nobody cares, not even my wife. We are having way too much fun dancing to worry about my lack rhythm or talent. If I can help you overcome the resistance, call me. David Story Revised September 2022 ![]() I. Dust off your instrument. 2. Watch some YouTube concerts featuring pianists playing the music you love. 3. Find your metronome. 4. Read some inspiration material about folks like yourself who have succeeded. 5. Start noodling on the piano. Review some old favorites. Explore some new music. Dream. 6. Plan practice time in your schedule to succeed. The happiest students know what they want, why they want it. They've made time for it, and stuck with it. Come join us. David. Keeping a positive attitude on the piano bench, when the going gets tough, is a perennial dilemma for us all. I found the following activities helpful on my learning journey as a percussionist. (I took up the study of percussion at age 50 on a dare from a piano student)
David Revised October 2022 3 Mini-shorts Breakfast piano minute
It was an all adult teaching day. It was a great day. If I can help you, please call me. David #scirabin #modernism #improvisation Scriabin reimagined by a jazz pianist. Scriabin Prelude op. 16 no.4
I practice piano and drums daily, except Sundays when I rest. Recently my student Barb asked me, "how do you practice?" Here is my answer.
Have Fun. David Story Revised October 2022 With a reduced teaching schedule, it is time to catch up.
David Revised October 2022 A rudimental etude I've been teaching drum students this year.
Breakfast piano minute: An fantasy on an Austrian Folk Song from a slightly disheveled pianist.Errors give feedback. Some errors are obvious, some are in disguise, and some are hidden from us.
One of the most effective way of dealing with errors of execution is to step back and listen to your practice recording making notes of errors, misinterpretation, and omissions. Then consider the following.
The picture above is from a book I highly recommend called "The Musician's Way", Best, David Revised October 2022 |
You've got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice. And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail. AuthorI'm a professional pianist and music educator in West Toronto Ontario. I'm also a devoted percussionist and drum teacher. Categories